Större, bättre, djärvare
30 August 2024 at 14:10:16
Så du har hört allt om fördelarna med elfordon för planeten, men hur översätts denna fortsatta tillväxt inom gröna transporter till intäktsmöjligheter för elentreprenörssektorn?
Tillväxten inom elbilsindustrin slungas av stödjande statliga bidrag (som arbetsplatsavgiftssystemet för statligt finansierade utbildningsinstitutioner och infrastrukturbidraget för personal och flottor), progressiva regler (till exempel del S) och även den ökande efterfrågan på offentlig laddningsinfrastruktur för att stödja elbilsföraren på språng.
Fördelarna och den fortsatta utvecklingen är det som gör det till en bransch med pålitliga inkomstkällor nu och i framtiden. Det finns för närvarande över en miljon elfordon registrerade, och detta visar inte några tecken på att sakta ner när som helst snart. När dessa siffror fortsätter att stiga kommer även laddningsinfrastrukturen att behöva växa för att möta efterfrågan och man kommer att lita på installatörer för att få det att hända.
Något som görs ännu mer tillgängligt tack vare den ökande närvaron av finansiering. Företag, som Wattif EV, tillhandahåller helt finansierade, delfinansierade och prenumerationslösningar till företag som vill införa elbilsladdning men som inte har kapitalet i förväg för att implementera det.

Partnership Training Days
We have been on the road, providing contractors with bespoke EV chargepoint installation training. So that you are equipped with all the knowledge needed to propel your business forwards as you take on a new challenge and expand your skill set. So far, this mission to increase EV knowledge has taken us across the UK as we travel from our head office in Boston to Glasgow, Manchester and Brighton with no plans of stopping there.
The inclusion of these training courses is part of our wider goal to increase the support and resources we offer to electrical contractors.
By expanding your portfolio to include EV chargepoint installation you open your business up to a larger customer base. When you first think of EVs, your mind might initially go to homeowners and individuals. Although this is a demographic that has really championed the electric vehicle movement, there is an even bigger industry driving the transition to net zero.
And that industry is none other than the fleet industry. In fact, according to recent data produced by Samsara, ‘more than half of fleets operating 150-plus vehicles expect to have a hybrid or fully electric fleet by 2025’.
Why Choose Rolec?
Sdiptech is a technology group focused on infrastructure that acquires and develops companies, contributing to the creation of more eco-conscious and efficient societies. Their objective is to generate sustainable value growth.
Sdiptech Awards 2024: At the beginning of summer, we had the pleasure of visiting Sweden to reconnect with the Sdiptech team for their annual partnership awards. We were recognised for our dedication and determination throughout the year and were proudly awarded Great Performer 2023, Special ESG Achievement, and Special Achievement.
To be specially commended by our partners like this has given us even more motivation to continue to provide advanced and sophisticated products to our customers, setting an example for how zero-emissions can be accomplished within a business’ daily practices.
So, what does this mean for Rolec and our valued customers? More advancements and solutions that set a positive example of how zero-emissions can be accomplished.
Part of this spirit of innovation and growth has been channelled into expanding our range of products: introducing contactless payment solutions, new LCD screen models, and additional DC ultra-rapid chargers.
We have increased our DC offering to include a more diverse array of charging speeds, as well as an updated PAS 1899 accessible unit design. The new UltraCharge 240, 80 and 30 meet the needs of businesses at each end of the electrification spectrum by providing charging speeds from 30kW to 480kW. This range supports those just beginning to adopt an EV fleet to those looking for even more power from their charging network.
Yearly Roundup
In 2024, our goal has been to enhance the EV contractor experience. How? By expanding our technical services, doubling our support department, and introducing weekly product training. So that we can provide multi-levelled support on the ground and over the phone to nationwide installers of Rolec hardware.
Building upon the feedback provided to us over the past few months, we have been able to directly target areas of our support services that needed enhancement. Optimising the customer experience and in turn doubling our customer satisfaction rating by creating a more seamless and reliable after sales support network.
We continue to encourage feedback from all of our customers; keeping the lines of communication open in order to remain reflexive to any concerns or queries that arise within our contractor and wholesaler community. As a result, we have experienced significant growth across all three of our niche sectors.
Continuing this outlook as we look towards the future, we are dedicated to regularly improving our customer experience; shaping a landscape of electrification that sees client success and progress working hand-in-hand. By prioritising the creation of a well-rounded system that starts at pre-sale enquiry and flows seamlessly to project assistance, quotation, onboarding and handover. We're currently on an exciting development journey aimed at seamlessly integrating these elements, and we look forward to sharing the news later on this year.
Att arbeta tillsammans för att uppnå mer för våra kunder. Läs mer om att bli en Rolec-godkänd installationspartner.