Rolec understands that preserving the environment is fundamental to ensuring a better and healthier future for all. As a result, we are continuously building on and expanding our environmental policies; always striving to minimise negative impact on the environment.

Some of our policies and initiatives include:
• Courtesy mini-buses provided to transport staff from
home to work and back again, which minimises traffic on the workplace/home commute. This equates to a carbon/CO2 output reduction over the past 4 years of 142.12 metric tonnes.
• Implementing energy efficient LED lighting in both
manufactured products and factory/warehouse/office
• Promoting the use of recycled packaging within Rolec and its suppliers.
• Implementing a waste management policy whereby all waste materials are segregated and sent to waste recycling plants.
• Active member of the WEEE Recycling Scheme.
• Joining in with community projects such as woodland tree planting and local school environmental awareness visits.
• Rolec continues to expand its electric vehicle fleet in order to reduce its environmental impact.
We are committed to the safety and welfare of our employees, contractors and customers through a series of initiatives including prevention, education and awareness.
The Rolec managerial team members have accepted
responsibility, enabling the company to continuously measure, monitor and improve Health and Safety performance.
Rolec will always try to exceed all applicable health and safety legislation, recommendations and best practice – and endeavour to identify any potential hazards or risks, assessing and controlling these in order to prevent the occurrence of any accidents or incidents.
In addition to Health and Safety, Environmental, and Quality, other policies Rolec operate include:
• Ethical Trading Policy
• Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
• Purchasing and Supply Chain Policy
• Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
• Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
The above policies can be available upon request.
For more information please email us here.

One of the most important elements of any manufacturer is to ensure that its products are fit for purpose, robust, and able to undertake the duties for which they were designed.
To ensure this, we have implemented a very stringent supplier and component sourcing policy. Our Procurement Director is tasked with, and is fully responsible for, enforcing this strict sourcing policy on both our new and existing suppliers. Records of performance are maintained and any supplier or component falling below our high standards and expectations is immediately identified. This triggers a process of supplier engagement with a view to increasing standards and quality. In the event that improved standards are not attained, the supplier is removed from our supplier portfolio.
We operate both a batch testing and new product testing programme, and all products within these programmes are stored in a Component Quarantine Area away from the general stock system until they are considered fit for purpose and able to enter the normal production system.