The Motorist is a unique venue located in Sherburn in Elmet, Leeds, where car enthusiasts can gather to appreciate great cars, enjoy good food, and take part in regular meets, activities, and signature events.
The venue features an onsite garage, bodyshop, restaurant, and meeting spaces. Whether you are taking your car for a service, MOT, restoration, or you are more interested in the vehicle sales and the car showroom, The Motorist has something for everyone. The Motorist Garage & Bodyshop offers MOTs, servicing, restoration, recommissioning, and repairs to modern, classic, vintage, and pre-war cars and other vehicles. There are car shows and car meets at The Motorist every week, all year round, from classic car shows to supercar days and car meet ups, there is always something happening! Check out their calendar for the latest automotive gatherings. Their regular meets include the ever popular Coffee and Cars on every Sunday, Wheels & Wings each Wednesday, Bikes & Bonnets on Thursdays and The Saturday Motorist Club with special features each week.
Ideally situated between Leeds and York and close to the A1(M), The Motorist not only offers shop, garage, café and restaurant facilities as a unique stop off or destination, it is a unique motoring themed location for weddings, corporate meetings as well as weekly car and motorbike meetings With the increase in electric vehicle adoption, and visitors wanting EV charging whilst visiting the venue, The Motorist looked to install EV chargers to meet the growing requests and demand for EV charging from visitors and wedding/corporate delegates. The location of The Motorist close to the A1(M) provided the opportunity to increase footfall to the venue with visitors needing to charge, and have the benefit of the venue available to them whilst charging.
With a car park capable of accommodating 200+ vehicles, The Motorist reached out to Wattif EV to provide initial charging of 4 car park bays with a build out programme to match EV charging demand over a multi year period. The current site electrical capacity required a solution that offered charging load management, and local lighting at the charger location was of high importance to the client for a safe charging experience.
In discussions with The Motorist, a shared 50/50 investment in EV charging infrastructure was their preference, on a net revenue share scheme.
A joint venture for a multi year managed services EV charging infrastructure comprising design, installation, commissioning, service and maintenance was agreed, with 24/7 user helpline and load management services.
Wattif EV would manage the tariff and pricing, as well as user registration, for both mobile App and RFID transactions. Wattif EV would manage the life cycle of the assets from design to future build out, with support from their EVSE partner, Rolec EV.
The Rolec EV Quantum 22kW dual pedestals were selected for performance, built in protective earth neutral switchgear, cyber security, and local charger lighting. The installation with civils took one week from initial site access to commissioning and staff/public charging, with civil and electrical installation performed by Tech Asset Management Ltd, and site material logistics managed by Oliver Ashworth, for a quick project turn around to meet a site event booked with the need for EV charging.
Wattif EV provided The Motorist with access to 4 Rolec EV chargepoints, and a services programme to operate, manage and maintain these chargers with a further roll-out programme to meet the increasing demand of EV charging.
The Motorist benefits from offering EV charging to visitors and delegates, as well as charging for motoring events and private parties/weddings. The back-end solution provides load management as well as demand reporting and operation features including tariff and user management, and the 24/7 support for users – allowing The Motorist to concentrate and do what they do best – providing a unique venue and personal experience to all their visitors.
“Working with Wattif EV has proven to be a simple and cost effective solution to install and operate our new EV chargers here at The Motorist. Given our ‘raison d’etre’ is automotive, it seemed the obvious next step to accommodate our customers and their EVs. Wattif has been the perfect partner: they’ve shared their knowledge and expertise to ensure a smooth installation and launch. We’re delighted we can now bring another product offering to meet the ever-growing demands of our customers, whilst achieving our own net-zero and ESG targets.” Daniel Marshall, Operations Manager, The Motorist.

The Motorist